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Deploy SvelteKit to AWS Amplify: A Step-by-Step Guide

Rishi Raj Jain
Deploy SvelteKit to AWS Amplify

In this guide, you will learn how to deploy an SvelteKit SSR project to AWS Amplify. You will go through the process of setting up a new SvelteKit project, enabling server-side rendering using AWS Amplify adapter, and finally deploying it to AWS Amplify.

Table Of Contents


You’ll need the following:

Create a new SvelteKit application

Let’s get started by creating a new SvelteKit project. Open your terminal and run the following command:

npm create svelte@latest my-app

npm create svelte is the recommended way to scaffold an SvelteKit project quickly.

When prompted, choose:

  • SvelteKit demo app when prompted to select the app template.
  • Yes, using TypeScript syntax when prompted to add type checking with TypeScript.
  • Add Prettier for code formatting when prompted to select additional options.

Once that’s done, you can move into the project directory, install the dependencies and start the app:

cd my-app
npm install
npm run dev

The app should be running on localhost:5173.

Next, in your first terminal window, run the command below to install the necessary libraries and packages for building the application:

npm install dotenv @vercel/nft
npm install -D prepend-file

The libraries installed include:

  • dotenv: A library for handling environment variables.
  • @vercel/nft: A library to determine all the files necessary for the application runtime using entrypoint(s).

The development-specific libraries include:

  • prepend-file: A library to prepend data to a file.

Getting Started with the Node.js Adapter for SvelteKit

Before deploying your SvelteKit project, you need to install the @sveltejs/adapter-node adapter. Execute the following command in your terminal window:

npm install @sveltejs/adapter-node

The libraries installed include:

  • @sveltejs/adapter-node: An adapter that prepares SvelteKit websites to be ran as standalone Node.js server.

Once the adapter is installed, you’ll need to add it to your svelte.config.js file. Open the file and add the following code:

// File: svelte.config.js

import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto'
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-node'
import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
	// Consult
	// for more information about preprocessors
	preprocess: vitePreprocess(),

	kit: {
		// adapter-auto only supports some environments, see for a list.
		// If your environment is not supported or you settled on a specific environment, switch out the adapter.
		// See for more information about adapters.
		adapter: adapter()

export default config;

The additions do the following:

  • Imports default export of @sveltejs/adapter-node.
  • Uses the above import as the adapter of your SvelteKit application.

Then, create a amplify.mjs file at the root of repository with the following code:

// File: amplify.mjs

import { join } from 'node:path'
import { nodeFileTrace } from '@vercel/nft'
import { sync as prependSync } from 'prepend-file'
import { writeFileSync, mkdirSync, existsSync, cpSync, rmSync } from 'node:fs'

// Define all the Amplify related directories
const amplifyDirectories = [
  join(process.cwd(), '.amplify-hosting'),
  join(process.cwd(), '.amplify-hosting', 'static'),
  join(process.cwd(), '.amplify-hosting', 'compute'),
  join(process.cwd(), '.amplify-hosting', 'compute', 'default'),
  join(process.cwd(), '.amplify-hosting', 'compute', 'default', 'node_modules'),

// Create directories if they do no exist already
if (existsSync(amplifyDirectories[0])) rmSync(amplifyDirectories[0], { force: true, recursive: true })

// Create directories if they do no exist already
amplifyDirectories.forEach((i) => mkdirSync(i))

const deployManifestConfig = {
  version: 1,
  routes: [
      path: `/assets/*`,
      target: {
        kind: 'Static',
      path: `/*.*`,
      target: {
        kind: 'Static',
      fallback: {
        kind: 'Compute',
        src: 'default',
      path: '/*',
      target: {
        kind: 'Compute',
        src: 'default',
  computeResources: [
      name: 'default',
      runtime: 'nodejs18.x',
      entrypoint: 'build/index.js',
  framework: {
    name: 'sveltekit',
    version: '1.20.4',

// Write the config to .amplify-hosting/deploy-manifest.json
writeFileSync(join(process.cwd(), '.amplify-hosting', 'deploy-manifest.json'), JSON.stringify(deployManifestConfig))

// Move the build/client to the static directory for Amplify
cpSync(join(process.cwd(), 'build', 'client'), amplifyDirectories[1], { recursive: true })

// Ref:
async function computeDependencies(paths = []) {
  // the whole app inside index.js,
  // include other paths that are
  // not bundled with your app builds
  const files = paths
  // Compute file trace
  const { fileList } = await nodeFileTrace(files)
  // Store set of packages
  let packages = {}
  fileList.forEach((i) => {
    if (i.includes('node_modules/')) {
      let temp = i.replace('node_modules/', '')
      temp = temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf('/'))
      packages[`node_modules/${temp}`] = true
    } else packages[i] = true
  // Sort the set of packages by name (for easier difference comparison with git)
  // Dump the list of the computed packages for further references while deploying the app
    .forEach((i) => {
      cpSync(i, join(amplifyDirectories[3], i), { recursive: true })

// Prepend dotenv import into the entrypoint
prependSync(join('build', 'index.js'), `import 'dotenv/config'\n`)

// Compute all the dependents on build/index.js and load them into the compute

Then, create a amplify.yml file at the root of repository with the following code:

version: 1
        - npm ci
        - env >> .env
        - npm run build
        - node amplify.mjs
    baseDirectory: .amplify-hosting
      - '**/*'
      - node_modules/**/*

The code above does the following:

  • Uses preBuild commands to install the dependencies of your SvelteKit project.
  • Uses build commands to:
    • Store all the environment variables into .env file at the root of the project.
    • Build your SvelteKit application.
    • Move the node_modules directory and .env file to Amplify’s compute directory.

Deploy to AWS Amplify

The code is now ready to deploy to AWS Amplify. Use the following steps to deploy:

  • Start by creating a GitHub repository containing your app’s code.

  • Then, navigate to the AWS Amplify Dashboard and click on Get Started under Host your web app section.

Host your web app in AWS Amplify
  • Select GitHub as the source of your Git repository.
GitHub as code source in AWS Amplify
  • Link the new project to the GitHub repository you just created.
Link Repo in AWS Amplify
  • Give a name to your project, and click on Advanced Settings.
Name the project in AWS Amplify
  • In Advanced Settings, update the Environment Variables to match those in your local .env file, and PORT as 3000. Click Next to proceed.
Add Environment Variables in AWS Amplify
  • Click Save and Deploy to deploy your website.
Deploy to AWS Amplify
  • Grab the deployment URL under the Domain title in the succesful build information.
Grab Deployment URL in AWS Amplify


Yay! You’ve now an SvelteKit project that automatically deploys to AWS Amplify upon Git push.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter.

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